NYC Small Business Resource Network
新布朗克斯商会很高兴地宣布,我们与彼得森基金会和 NYEDC 就布朗克斯区的纽约市小型企业资源网络计划建立了持续的合作伙伴关系。该计划资助全市范围内的小型企业 COVID-19 恢复专家团队,作为行政区商会的“特种部队”。这些专家在这里为布朗克斯小企业提供帮助,帮助他们应对从与 COVID-19 相关的关闭和限制中恢复的挑战,并通过将业主与可用的法律、财务、营销和其他方面联系起来,适应新的经营方式。资源。
Email us to learn more and sign up
发送电子邮件至 或致电 718.828.3900 直接与商会专家联系
This partnership has and will continue to benefit eligible Bronx businesses both within and outside the Chamber network, with an emphasis on minority-owned businesses in distressed communities who have an urgent need for hands-on support. Throughout the past year the Chamber has reached over 3,400 businesses and connected nearly 1,000 to services, including loans, grants, and many other services.
Open + Online Digital Initiative
Open+Online is an initiative of SBRN to help small businesses build their online platform.
SBRN 成功案例
To Learn More & Sign Up:
发送电子邮件至 或致电 718.828.3900 与商会专家联系
The Manhattan Chamber of Commerce has assembled a helpful resource guide which is accessible using the link below!
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