The Bronx Chamber of Commerce, founded in 1894, is rooted in holistic community and economic development which advances economic opportunity and growth, innovation, and comprehensive business planning for the Bronx. We organize and build coalitions, provide strategic business services, participate in and publish research and data analysis, and support targeted advocacy efforts that strengthen the business community, and help to win economic development policies which advance the borough’s economic agenda.
The Bronx Chamber of Commerce, founded in 1894, is rooted in holistic community and economic development which advances economic opportunity and growth, innovation, and comprehensive business planning for the Bronx. We organize and build coalitions, provide strategic business services, participate in and publish research and data analysis, and support targeted advocacy efforts that strengthen the business community, and help to win economic development policies which advance the borough’s economic agenda.
布朗克斯商会成立于 1894 年,其使命是为布朗克斯商界服务。多年来,商会在该行政区经济的健康发展中发挥了重要作用。这个非盈利、会员驱动的组织帮助打造了改变布朗克斯商业社区的基础设施。商会在许多项目中发挥了重要作用,例如创建福特汉姆广场,该广场促进了前所未有的商业发展,并帮助该行政区雇用了数千人。商会历史上的其他显着成就包括筹集资金创建亨茨角终端市场卡车停靠站设施、1986 年成功开展将纽约洋基队留在布朗克斯的活动、倡导在该行政区建立自由贸易区、与卡特总统合作通过“特殊影响”项目为企业创造急需的收入,与大卫·洛克菲勒合作制定布朗克斯的城市政策计划,成立布朗克斯商会行动小组来清理和美化布朗克斯商业走廊,并与商业协会密切合作以帮助他们茁壮成长。
The Bronx Chamber of Commerce is also deeply committed to improving the quality of life for Bronxites through numerous efforts to deter crime, aid senior citizens, and educate children in the Bronx. The Chamber’s long-standing partnership with The New York Police Department has helped to lower neighborhood crime rates through an increase in mobile patrols.
The creation of SWAP (Senior Winter Assistance Program), and the formation of a senior citizen shopping program governed by the Chamber, NYPD, and various merchant associations have helped to aid Bronx seniors. The Bronx Chamber of Commerce with the support of Hostos College launched The Junior Achievement Program and The Speakers’ Bureau. The Junior Achievement Program connected students with Bronx professionals, who afforded them personal exposure to the business world. The Speakers’ Bureau, brought prominent business leaders and academic scholars to Bronx schools, fostering student engagement and development.
“我们正在阐明新的、创造性的方法来应对我们面临的许多挑战。我们运用敏锐的足智多谋来完成工作。我们正在重新点燃非凡的社区精神,这种精神多年来一直构成了过去盛行的团结精神,这对于我们布朗克斯区来说是独一无二的”,Elias Karmon,1979。
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