A Business Improvement District (BID) is a geographical area where local stakeholders oversee and fund the maintenance, improvement, and promotion of their commercial district. These special districts are created with the primary goal of enhancing the economic vitality, attractiveness, and overall quality of life within the designated area. In order to do this, BIDs undertake a wide array of initiatives including but not limited to:
Cleaning and Maintenance:
BIDs often prioritize maintaining cleanliness throughout their corridors. In order to achieve this, BIDs might hire This might professional staff dedicated to regularly cleanings of the streets, sidewalks, and public areas; some BIDs also fund graffiti removal.
Public Safety and Security:
Some BIDs may deploy private security personnel or work in partnership with local law enforcement agencies to enhance safety in the district. This can include the presence of security officers, the installation of surveillance cameras, and the implementation of safety programs.
Marketing and Promotion:
BIDs actively promote the district to attract visitors, shoppers, and businesses. Many BIDs have signature events, festivals, and marketing campaigns to showcase the district's offerings and unique character.
Policy Advocacy:
Similarly to Community Boards, many BIDs advocate for the interests of the district at the local government level, including concerns related to zoning or regulatory issues.
The Bronx currently has 12 BIDs, all of whom we work closely with to provide harmonious support to our local businesses and community partners. You can find more information about BIDs and current BID Development Programs by clicking HERE.
900 Grand Concourse, Ground Floor
Bronx, NY 10451
Phone: (718) 590-5433
Email: 161streebidinfo@gmail.com
Website: www.161bid.com
Executive Director: Trey Jenkins
2396 Arthur Avenue
Bronx, NY 10458
Phone: (718) 294-8259
Email: info@bronxlittleitaly.com
Website: www.bronxlittleitaly.com
Executive Director: Alyssa Tucker
2488 Grand Concourse, Room 413
Bronx, NY 10458
Phone: (718) 562-2104
Email: info@fordhamroadbid.org
Website: www.fordhamroadbid.org
Executive Director: Wilma Alonso
3400 Reservoir Oval East
Bronx, NY 10467
Phone: (718) 324-4946
Email: jeromegunhillbid@gmail.com
Website: www.jeromegunhillbid.org
Executive Director: Jennifer Tausig
Manager, Neighborhood Development: Ariana Cipriani
1029 East 163rd Street, Suite 201
Bronx, NY 10459
Phone: (347) 801-8856
Email: info@southernblvdbid.org
Website: www.sobobid.org
Executive Director: Javier Medina, Sr.
2825 Third Avenue, 3rd Floor
Bronx, NY 10455
Phone: (718) 665-3983
Email: info@thirdavenuebid.org
Website: www.thirdavenuebid.org
Executive Director: Vacant
3800 East Tremont Avenue, Suite 2F
Bronx, NY 10465
Phone: (347) 281-8323
Email: throggsneckbid@gmail.com
Website: www.throggsneckbid.com
Executive Director: Robert Jaen
43 Westchester Square, 2nd Floor
Bronx, NY 10461
Phone: (718) 597-4629
Website: www.wsbid.org
Executive Director: Yasmin Cruz
2169A White Plains Road
Bronx, NY 10462
Phone: (516) 286-9921
Website: www.pelhamparkway.com
Executive Director: Justin Lerner
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